The Islamic Center Essen - Al Faruq Mosque -
Weekly activities program
For Men
Allah of the Sublime said: ” (It is) in houses for which Allah gave permission to be built, and His name shall be proclaimed in it. In it (they) praise him in the morning and in the evening. Men who do not keep goods or trade from the memory of Allah …”
This is the best description of true masculinity and on this basis Al-Faruq Center organizes educational and enlightening activities concerning men, which take place on general and also on special occasions, as well as at seminars and lectures. On these occasions, theologians, doctors of The Islamic Studies and great Koranic readers from different countries are also invited. Such activities are among the measures that elevat the position of the houses of worship and represent the exagitation of Allah almighty.An overview of the existing activities can be found under Weekly Plan