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The Koran school with its daily classes is an essential part of the Islamic Center in Essen -Alfaruq Mosque-

In the Al-Faruq mosque there is a 20-30 minute lecture in Arabic every day after the night prayer. Among other things, the contents of the Koran are discussed and individual suras and their meanings are explained. In addition, the life stories of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the tajweed rules of the Koran are taught.

The mosque is open every day at the 5 times of prayer in order to give the believers the opportunity to perform their prayer in community.

Each of the five prayers that a Muslim and a Muslim woman should say daily is important. Above all, however, the midday prayer – or the Duhr prayer – on Friday has a special meaning.

Alfaruq Arabic school, my second home to learn the Quran language ….
Al Faruq Arabic School is one of our main concerns. The lessons are attended by students of different nationalities. The offer ranges from the pre-class to the tenth school year. Registration is possible from the age of five. The children learn the Arabic language and its basics. Of course, one of the main focuses is religious instruction, which is taught in German.

Islam is the religion of God and an order for his servants and messengers. Allah the Most High said: “… And do not die differently than Muslims …” And said: “… namely to remain faithful in observance of the religion …”
Compliance with Islam in form and subject requires study, knowledge, understanding and interest. That is exactly what Al-Faruq Institute for Islamic Studies is doing and promoting in order to train a middle-class Islamic personality.
A selection of lectures by renowned academics and Shuyukh who have visited our mosque
Some statistics about the Islamic Center in Essen -Al Faruq Mosque-
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Annual conference with Sheikh Dr. Said Al Kamali