An essential part of the Islamic Center in Essen -Alfaruq Mosque- is the Koran school, which is characterized by its daily teaching offer. The target group are especially children and young people. The main purpose of the courses is to learn the Koran by heart. They also make it possible to learn how to correctly recite the Koran in Arabic while observing the Tajweed rules. For adults, the lessons are supplemented by a tafsir unit.
The beauty of the Koran recitation has always been central to Islamic history. The 3 imams who supervise the Koran lessons continue this tradition in their courses. Particularly gifted Koran students have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills on special occasions in the mosque – for example during Friday prayers or on the occasion of a festival.
You can find more information about our Koran school at Alfaruq Koran School